Sunday, January 30, 2011

An awesome book

So. I don't know if you know. But These illustrations are pretty great. 
I love them mostly because they look free and fun. 
They are all pages from inside this book called An Awesome book
*(make sure you click the link and read the whole thing, so you don't miss any comedy or cuteness)*
& They all came from this guy's brain

Here is a video. You can also learn more and see more on his site
Dallas Clayton : Opportunities from Dallas Clayton on Vimeo.

January 30th

Been gone this week. 
took the week off the web. 
I've been painting with watercolors lately. crazy, right? I think so.
My brother taught me a drummer trick. 
I'm always trying to get the inside scoop on drummer tricks.
Plus he lights up whenever he teaches me musical things & it's my favorite.
What can I say? I love my sibs. 
I've also been obsessed with applying elbow patches to everything. 
So far so good, but if someone doesn't stop me, 
then I might not stop. eeek. Grandad central.
Also: I have a pinterest now. 
(you should make one too)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

hello my name is...

hi folks. I'm still kickin. Posts are less frequent lately. 
& that's too bad. but also: hey, that's okay. I'm okay with that.
Just wanted to address it. 

More posts & more fun & more sights, sounds, discoveries, 
peeks, sharing, and stuff making are on the horizon. 

So basically this is me saying:
Let's hang out. 
And then eventually let's hang out more often. 

There are a few technical difficulties withholding me at the moment,
 but that won't keep this gal down for long...
also, remember I'm collaborating on something else to be debuted 
and launched soon-ish, so look out for that. should be fun.

so but anyway. I hope your Wednesday is the kind of Wednesday, that rocks your socks. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

the online finds - things I saw and liked






Saturday, January 8, 2011

the fabric of our lives

made these for fun. Found the tutorial via beautiful mess blog.
The quickest easiest most comfortable tshirt necklace ever.
(& we all know how I feel about tshirt necklaces...)
I sewed beads on one of them to customize it a bit more.
you can make them as full or sparse as you want,
depending on how much material you use.
I DID NOT invent this idea.
go HERE to see who did.

wahoo. happy crafting.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

a pre-announcement announcement

I have an exciting project announcement coming soon.
My sisters and I are teaming together for this one...
I'll give you a few hints, before I formally announce it:
-It's going to be a page on the world wide web.
-It's going to involve fun/fashion/art/celebration
-You'll be able to buy stuff. 
-It's going to be awesome. 

so. get. ready.