This is going to sound very hoarder-ish of me...but I may or may not like to save martinelli bottles on occasion. It's a very family celebratory bev-y...and I'm the one who's a tidsy more eager to get to the bottom because I'm like 'woaaaah! craft possibilities! save that bottle!'
So with that said: here's a side story - told in a kind of bullet fashion for expediency.
I went to goodwill (great place to score fabric scraps, ribbons, lace, etc..among other awesome things).
I found this hefty hemp-y string/chord spool. was delighted.
I wrapped it around my wrist lotsa times, played with it, explored its possibilites.
Low & behold: This material had BEEF with me...cause it fiber-glassed me to the rafters.
"ouch" I said.
But this setback doesn't stop Kayla Jean from her craft endeavors.
So I put on my big girl pants and remembered my spare glass bottles
whipped out the hot glue gun (I love that it's called GLUE GUN) (also I love the way hot glue smells. It reminds me of grandma's at churches who love to make wreaths and wear bizzare hats like it ain't no thang.)
grabbed some rubber gloves for protection from hippie rash
HERE shines the fruit of my labor.